庭での農民.これは日本の農家の庭でしばしば見られる箕で穀物をあおって屑を除く独特の光景である.女は丁寧に穀物を容器から筵上に移し,一方男は籾殻や塵をあおぎとばす.農具はむしろ原始的な状態にあるが,経験は日本の農民にそれらを完全に使うことを教えた .../(Farmers in a yard. This is a characteristic picture of winnowing as often witnessed in a farm-yard in Japan. The woman is gently emptying the grain, from a vessel on to the mat while the man is fanning off the chaff or dust. The farming implements are ...)

庭での農民.これは日本の農家の庭でしばしば見られる箕で穀物をあおって屑を除く独特の光景である.女は丁寧に穀物を容器から筵上に移し,一方男は籾殻や塵をあおぎとばす.農具はむしろ原始的な状態にあるが,経験は日本の農民にそれらを完全に使うことを教えた .../(Farmers in a yard. This is a characteristic picture of winnowing as often witnessed in a farm-yard in Japan. The woman is gently emptying the grain, from a vessel on to the mat while the man is fanning off the chaff or dust. The farming implements are ...)

caption 庭での農民.これは日本の農家の庭でしばしば見られる箕で穀物をあおって屑を除く独特の光景である.女は丁寧に穀物を容器から筵上に移し,一方男は籾殻や塵をあおぎとばす.農具はむしろ原始的な状態にあるが,経験は日本の農民にそれらを完全に使うことを教えた .../(Farmers in a yard. This is a characteristic picture of winnowing as often witnessed in a farm-yard in Japan. The woman is gently emptying the grain, from a vessel on to the mat while the man is fanning off the chaff or dust. The farming implements are ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001044
PhotoCD no. C024026