運搬人.国内を旅行しているとしばしば重い荷を背にしっかりくくりつけて運んでいる人夫に出くわす.そのような人夫は特に馬も車も通るのが難しい場所で全く便利になってくる.仕事は非常に劣った(?)厳しい注文によるので比較的良い報酬が支払われる/(A carrier. In travelling through the interior of the country, one will often come across a coolie carrying heavy loads securely strapped to his back. Such a coolie comes quite handy, especially in the localty where the passage of either a horse or ...)

運搬人.国内を旅行しているとしばしば重い荷を背にしっかりくくりつけて運んでいる人夫に出くわす.そのような人夫は特に馬も車も通るのが難しい場所で全く便利になってくる.仕事は非常に劣った(?)厳しい注文によるので比較的良い報酬が支払われる/(A carrier. In travelling through the interior of the country, one will often come across a coolie carrying heavy loads securely strapped to his back. Such a coolie comes quite handy, especially in the localty where the passage of either a horse or ...)

caption 運搬人.国内を旅行しているとしばしば重い荷を背にしっかりくくりつけて運んでいる人夫に出くわす.そのような人夫は特に馬も車も通るのが難しい場所で全く便利になってくる.仕事は非常に劣った(?)厳しい注文によるので比較的良い報酬が支払われる/(A carrier. In travelling through the interior of the country, one will often come across a coolie carrying heavy loads securely strapped to his back. Such a coolie comes quite handy, especially in the localty where the passage of either a horse or ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001057
PhotoCD no. C024039