牛の荷車.これは日本でよく見られる光景の写真である.雄牛は荷を積んだ重い荷車を曳くことに使われる.それは決して運搬の迅速な手段ではないが,かさばった物を運ぶのにたしかに最も安価である.御者は,家畜を繋ぐとき動けないように紐で前足をくくるので柱は必要ない/(An ox cart. This is a photograph of a scene which is common in Japan. The bull is made to do service in dragging a heavy wheeled cart, loaded with goods. This is not by any means a speedy mode of conveyance, but certainly the least expensive, for the ...)

牛の荷車.これは日本でよく見られる光景の写真である.雄牛は荷を積んだ重い荷車を曳くことに使われる.それは決して運搬の迅速な手段ではないが,かさばった物を運ぶのにたしかに最も安価である.御者は,家畜を繋ぐとき動けないように紐で前足をくくるので柱は必要ない/(An ox cart. This is a photograph of a scene which is common in Japan. The bull is made to do service in dragging a heavy wheeled cart, loaded with goods. This is not by any means a speedy mode of conveyance, but certainly the least expensive, for the ...)

caption 牛の荷車.これは日本でよく見られる光景の写真である.雄牛は荷を積んだ重い荷車を曳くことに使われる.それは決して運搬の迅速な手段ではないが,かさばった物を運ぶのにたしかに最も安価である.御者は,家畜を繋ぐとき動けないように紐で前足をくくるので柱は必要ない/(An ox cart. This is a photograph of a scene which is common in Japan. The bull is made to do service in dragging a heavy wheeled cart, loaded with goods. This is not by any means a speedy mode of conveyance, but certainly the least expensive, for the ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001072
PhotoCD no. C024054