楽団.鼓は,ヨーロッパやアメリカで見いだされることのない種類で,日本の楽器の中で形と音色において目立って風変わりでおもしろい.それは太鼓の一種で奏者は写真で見られるようにそれを肩にのせて右手の掌と指でたたく.普通の耳にはあまりに古典的に,いや .../(The orchestra. Strikingly quaint in shape and tone among the musical instruments of Japan is the tsuzumi, the like of which not being found in Europe or America. It is a sort of drum, which the player holds on his shoulder and strikes with the palm ...)
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楽団.鼓は,ヨーロッパやアメリカで見いだされることのない種類で,日本の楽器の中で形と音色において目立って風変わりでおもしろい.それは太鼓の一種で奏者は写真で見られるようにそれを肩にのせて右手の掌と指でたたく.普通の耳にはあまりに古典的に,いや .../(The orchestra. Strikingly quaint in shape and tone among the musical instruments of Japan is the tsuzumi, the like of which not being found in Europe or America. It is a sort of drum, which the player holds on his shoulder and strikes with the palm ...) |
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book title |
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日本生活の図絵 |
author |
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タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta) |
year |
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1896 |
Library Number |
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YP/16/Ta |
author |
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000043117 |
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GL001078 |
PhotoCD no. |
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C024060 |