八百屋.両端に中身の入った籠をぶら下げた竿の釣り合いを肩で上手にとりながら,八百屋は毎朝顧客の家を廻る.早朝彼は市場に行きその日のうちに売り切ろうとする品を仕入れてくる.このようにして彼の顧客は新鮮な品を補充する.時々農民が農事が差し迫っていない .../(A vegetable dealer. Deftly balancing on his shoulder a beam at both extremities of which are suspended the baskets with their contents, the vegetable dealer makes his rounds every morning to his customers houses. Early in the morning he goes to the ...)

八百屋.両端に中身の入った籠をぶら下げた竿の釣り合いを肩で上手にとりながら,八百屋は毎朝顧客の家を廻る.早朝彼は市場に行きその日のうちに売り切ろうとする品を仕入れてくる.このようにして彼の顧客は新鮮な品を補充する.時々農民が農事が差し迫っていない .../(A vegetable dealer. Deftly balancing on his shoulder a beam at both extremities of which are suspended the baskets with their contents, the vegetable dealer makes his rounds every morning to his customers houses. Early in the morning he goes to the ...)

caption 八百屋.両端に中身の入った籠をぶら下げた竿の釣り合いを肩で上手にとりながら,八百屋は毎朝顧客の家を廻る.早朝彼は市場に行きその日のうちに売り切ろうとする品を仕入れてくる.このようにして彼の顧客は新鮮な品を補充する.時々農民が農事が差し迫っていない .../(A vegetable dealer. Deftly balancing on his shoulder a beam at both extremities of which are suspended the baskets with their contents, the vegetable dealer makes his rounds every morning to his customers houses. Early in the morning he goes to the ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001084
PhotoCD no. C024066