托鉢僧.早朝と日暮れ,4-5人の仏僧の一団がくすんだ色の外衣と深い籠の帽子(笠)の粗末な身なりをし数珠と鐘を手に持って門口から門口へ祈りをつぶやいているのが見られる.彼らが信心深い信者の家の前でとまるとき彼らの奉仕は一握りの米と僅かな金で報われる .../(Mendicant friars. Early and late, groups of Buddhist priests, in fours and fives, shabbily attired in robes of sombre colour and deep basket hats, and carrying rosaries and bells in hand, are seen muttering prayers form door to door. When they happen ...)

托鉢僧.早朝と日暮れ,4-5人の仏僧の一団がくすんだ色の外衣と深い籠の帽子(笠)の粗末な身なりをし数珠と鐘を手に持って門口から門口へ祈りをつぶやいているのが見られる.彼らが信心深い信者の家の前でとまるとき彼らの奉仕は一握りの米と僅かな金で報われる .../(Mendicant friars. Early and late, groups of Buddhist priests, in fours and fives, shabbily attired in robes of sombre colour and deep basket hats, and carrying rosaries and bells in hand, are seen muttering prayers form door to door. When they happen ...)

caption 托鉢僧.早朝と日暮れ,4-5人の仏僧の一団がくすんだ色の外衣と深い籠の帽子(笠)の粗末な身なりをし数珠と鐘を手に持って門口から門口へ祈りをつぶやいているのが見られる.彼らが信心深い信者の家の前でとまるとき彼らの奉仕は一握りの米と僅かな金で報われる .../(Mendicant friars. Early and late, groups of Buddhist priests, in fours and fives, shabbily attired in robes of sombre colour and deep basket hats, and carrying rosaries and bells in hand, are seen muttering prayers form door to door. When they happen ...)
book title 日本生活の図絵
author タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
year 1896
Library Number YP/16/Ta
author 000043117
GID GL001097
PhotoCD no. C024079