并.五良太申(甫)并(呉)祥瑞造.申/(Narabini. And. Gorota narabini Shozui shin-zo. Made by Gorota and Shozui together. Hizen. Sin. Together.)

并.五良太申(甫)并(呉)祥瑞造.申/(Narabini. And. Gorota narabini Shozui shin-zo. Made by Gorota and Shozui together. Hizen. Sin. Together.)

caption 并.五良太申(甫)并(呉)祥瑞造.申/(Narabini. And. Gorota narabini Shozui shin-zo. Made by Gorota and Shozui together. Hizen. Sin. Together.)
book title 日本のしるしと印(印章)
author ボウズ/(Bowes, James Lord, 1834-1899)
year [1882]
Library Number CD/6243/Bo
author 000050773
GID GL008038
PhotoCD no. 123015