ソウルの通り,朝鮮の首都,1898年,久保田米僊画/(A street in Soul. The capital of Korea, in 1898. Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)

ソウルの通り,朝鮮の首都,1898年,久保田米僊画/(A street in Soul. The capital of Korea, in 1898. Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)

caption ソウルの通り,朝鮮の首都,1898年,久保田米僊画/(A street in Soul. The capital of Korea, in 1898. Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)
book title 新・極東
author ディオシー/(Diosy, Arthur)
year 1900
Library Number DS/515/Di
author 000063420
GID GL029010
PhotoCD no. 147042