万歳,新年の始めに歩き回る巡業バレエの歌手と踊り手/(Manzai strolling ballet singer and dancer who go about at the beginning of the new year.)

万歳,新年の始めに歩き回る巡業バレエの歌手と踊り手/(Manzai strolling ballet singer and dancer who go about at the beginning of the new year.)

caption 万歳,新年の始めに歩き回る巡業バレエの歌手と踊り手/(Manzai strolling ballet singer and dancer who go about at the beginning of the new year.)
book title 娯楽(藝盡(芸尽))
author ツジコ クマタロウ ( 辻子 熊太郎 )/(Tsujiko, Kumataro)
year [1891]
Library Number GV/125/Ts
author 000152306
GID GM013009
PhotoCD no. C027026