皇后陛下に検閲され,次の文を与えられた:”濤川惣助は七宝の新しい技術を発明し,海外で個人的な名誉を得たのみならず,国威を発揚した.その功績は最も高い称賛に値する”/(Inspected by H.M. the Empress, and awarded by the following writing: S. Namikawa has invented the new art of enamelling, and not only realized a personal fame on abroad, but he has extended the National Fame. The merit is worthy of the highest admiration.)

皇后陛下に検閲され,次の文を与えられた:”濤川惣助は七宝の新しい技術を発明し,海外で個人的な名誉を得たのみならず,国威を発揚した.その功績は最も高い称賛に値する”/(Inspected by H.M. the Empress, and awarded by the following writing: S. Namikawa has invented the new art of enamelling, and not only realized a personal fame on abroad, but he has extended the National Fame. The merit is worthy of the highest admiration.)

caption 皇后陛下に検閲され,次の文を与えられた:”濤川惣助は七宝の新しい技術を発明し,海外で個人的な名誉を得たのみならず,国威を発揚した.その功績は最も高い称賛に値する”/(Inspected by H.M. the Empress, and awarded by the following writing: S. Namikawa has invented the new art of enamelling, and not only realized a personal fame on abroad, but he has extended the National Fame. The merit is worthy of the highest admiration.)
book title 緑綬褒章の賞状.シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会.1890年東京第3回内国勧業博覧会審査報告からの抜粋.日本の七宝
author ナミカワ ソウスケ ( 濤川 惣助 )/(Namikawa, Sosuke)
year [1896?]
Library Number N/7353/Na
author 000166462
GID GM019007
PhotoCD no. 174048