祇園の茶屋<軽とその兄-眼隠し遊びのゲーム>/(The tea-house in the Gion street. (Karu and her brother - the game of blindman's buff.))

祇園の茶屋<軽とその兄-眼隠し遊びのゲーム>/(The tea-house in the Gion street. (Karu and her brother - the game of blindman's buff.))

caption 祇園の茶屋<軽とその兄-眼隠し遊びのゲーム>/(The tea-house in the Gion street. (Karu and her brother - the game of blindman's buff.))
book title 忠臣蔵,すなわち忠誠同盟:日本の物語(仮名手本忠臣蔵)
author ディキンズ/(Dickins, F. Victor (Frederick Victor), 1838-1915)
year [1892]
Library Number PL/794/Ta
author 000278424
GID GM034014
PhotoCD no. C028075