ニグロ(サハラ以南のアフリカの黒人).コブウシ.小型のヤギ.デレブ・ヤシ.魚の罠.漁網.ふいご.穀物をつく.ゴリオ<トルムバシュ>(武器の一種).旅行用鞄.盾と槍.穀物保存用壺.木製皿.カネンブ族の戦士.ボルヌ族の戦士.藁屋根の泥の小屋.パピルス .../(Negroes. Humped cattle Dwarf goats Deleb-palms Fish-trap Fishing net Bellows Pounding corn Golio (Trumbash). Travelling bag. Shield and spear. Jar for holding corn. Wooden dish. Kanembu warrior. Bornu warrior. Mud huts with straw roofs. Papyrus thicket.)
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ニグロ(サハラ以南のアフリカの黒人).コブウシ.小型のヤギ.デレブ・ヤシ.魚の罠.漁網.ふいご.穀物をつく.ゴリオ<トルムバシュ>(武器の一種).旅行用鞄.盾と槍.穀物保存用壺.木製皿.カネンブ族の戦士.ボルヌ族の戦士.藁屋根の泥の小屋.パピルス .../(Negroes. Humped cattle Dwarf goats Deleb-palms Fish-trap Fishing net Bellows Pounding corn Golio (Trumbash). Travelling bag. Shield and spear. Jar for holding corn. Wooden dish. Kanembu warrior. Bornu warrior. Mud huts with straw roofs. Papyrus thicket.) |
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book title |
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遠い国々の原住民の生活の写実的な絵:人類の典型的な民族の挿し絵を入れている |
author |
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ロイテマン/(Leutemann, H. (Heinrich), 1824-1905) |
year |
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1888 |
Library Number |
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GN/315/Le |
author |
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000782557 |
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GM114009 |
PhotoCD no. |
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C033052 |