牛の荷車.重い荷車をひくこと(?)の多くは人力で行われるが,牛や馬も時々使われる.蹄を守るために牛が履いているわらじに注意せよ/(Ox cart. Much of the heavy teaming is done by man-power, but oxen and horses are occasionally used. Notice the straw sandals with which the oxen are shod to protect their hoofs.)

牛の荷車.重い荷車をひくこと(?)の多くは人力で行われるが,牛や馬も時々使われる.蹄を守るために牛が履いているわらじに注意せよ/(Ox cart. Much of the heavy teaming is done by man-power, but oxen and horses are occasionally used. Notice the straw sandals with which the oxen are shod to protect their hoofs.)

caption 牛の荷車.重い荷車をひくこと(?)の多くは人力で行われるが,牛や馬も時々使われる.蹄を守るために牛が履いているわらじに注意せよ/(Ox cart. Much of the heavy teaming is done by man-power, but oxen and horses are occasionally used. Notice the straw sandals with which the oxen are shod to protect their hoofs.)
book title 日本:日本人によって記述され挿絵を入れられた 第6巻
author ブリンクリー/(Brinkley, F. (Frank), 1841-1912)
year c1897
Library Number YP/5/Br
author 000117986
GID GN017005
PhotoCD no. 290045