印籠.印籠と根付.堆朱.蒔絵.木彫.18-19世紀.張寛.象と足利時代<15世紀>の女性像,一信.馬,梶川.竜と鳳凰;鞘は蝦蟇仙人と鉄拐,一信.貝の形,乾也/(Inro. Inro and netsuke. Tsuishu Lacquer. Lacquer. Wood. 18-19c. Chokwan. Elephant and female figures of the time of Ashikaga (15th century). Kazunobu. Horses. Kajikawa. Dragon and howo; outer case, Gama Sennin and Tekkai. Kazunobu. Shape of shell. Ken-ya.)
caption |
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印籠.印籠と根付.堆朱.蒔絵.木彫.18-19世紀.張寛.象と足利時代<15世紀>の女性像,一信.馬,梶川.竜と鳳凰;鞘は蝦蟇仙人と鉄拐,一信.貝の形,乾也/(Inro. Inro and netsuke. Tsuishu Lacquer. Lacquer. Wood. 18-19c. Chokwan. Elephant and female figures of the time of Ashikaga (15th century). Kazunobu. Horses. Kajikawa. Dragon and howo; outer case, Gama Sennin and Tekkai. Kazunobu. Shape of shell. Ken-ya.) |
note |
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book title |
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日本の収集品 第1巻 |
author |
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トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael) |
year |
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1898 |
Library Number |
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NK/550/To |
author |
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001530716 |
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GO025014 |
PhotoCD no. |
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371 |