印籠.蒔絵.18-19世紀.貝,稲川.硬貨,半山.波の幾何学模様;鞘は人物像と朝日と松の上の鷲の装飾のある衝立;宗湛の絵の写し,正利(?)とイッセツ(?).鳥,石山,基董.農家と稲田,九国.驢馬に乗る蘇東坡,乗意.永春.稲,稲川.いろいろな紋章,一東斎/(Inro. Lacquer. 18-19c. Shells. Inagawa. Coins. Hanzan. Diaper of waves; figures and screen, ... Masatoshi, Issetsu. Birds. Ishiyama. Mototada. Farmer's house and rice field. Kyukoku. Toba on donkey. Joi. Nagaharu. Rice plant. Inagawa. Various devices. ...)

印籠.蒔絵.18-19世紀.貝,稲川.硬貨,半山.波の幾何学模様;鞘は人物像と朝日と松の上の鷲の装飾のある衝立;宗湛の絵の写し,正利(?)とイッセツ(?).鳥,石山,基董.農家と稲田,九国.驢馬に乗る蘇東坡,乗意.永春.稲,稲川.いろいろな紋章,一東斎/(Inro. Lacquer. 18-19c. Shells. Inagawa. Coins. Hanzan. Diaper of waves; figures and screen, ... Masatoshi, Issetsu. Birds. Ishiyama. Mototada. Farmer's house and rice field. Kyukoku. Toba on donkey. Joi. Nagaharu. Rice plant. Inagawa. Various devices. ...)

caption 印籠.蒔絵.18-19世紀.貝,稲川.硬貨,半山.波の幾何学模様;鞘は人物像と朝日と松の上の鷲の装飾のある衝立;宗湛の絵の写し,正利(?)とイッセツ(?).鳥,石山,基董.農家と稲田,九国.驢馬に乗る蘇東坡,乗意.永春.稲,稲川.いろいろな紋章,一東斎/(Inro. Lacquer. 18-19c. Shells. Inagawa. Coins. Hanzan. Diaper of waves; figures and screen, ... Masatoshi, Issetsu. Birds. Ishiyama. Mototada. Farmer's house and rice field. Kyukoku. Toba on donkey. Joi. Nagaharu. Rice plant. Inagawa. Various devices. ...)
book title 日本の収集品 第1巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530716
GID GO025019
PhotoCD no. 371