印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...)
caption |
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印籠.金属製.蒔絵.銀製.青銅製.赤銅と銀製.18-19世紀.いろいろな印章.鞘は人物像,宗ミン(◆U73C9◆).鞘は雁と植物,重明.植物,得斎.時計と羅針盤を含有(印籠時計),旭.七福神,松水軒小沢美章.徳利型,猩々の面,光雪.鳥と花,石黒政美.竜虎/(Inro. Metal. Lacquer. Silver. Bronze. Shakudo and silver. 18-19c. Various seals. Figures. Somin. Goose and plant. Shigeaki. Plants. Tokusai. Containing watch and compass. Asahi. The seven gods of happiness. Shosuiken Ozawa Yoshiaki. Shape of sake jar ...) |
note |
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book title |
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日本の収集品 第1巻 |
author |
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トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael) |
year |
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1898 |
Library Number |
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NK/550/To |
author |
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001530716 |
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GO025028 |
PhotoCD no. |
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371 |