蒔絵.木に陶器と金と彩色の蒔絵で花を浮彫にした二枚の額.乾也作.この二枚は乾也の最後の作品と思われる,19世紀/(Lacquer. Two panels, with flowers in relief, in pottery and lacquer of gold and colours, on wood, by Kenya. These pieces are supposed to be Kenya's last work, 19c.)

蒔絵.木に陶器と金と彩色の蒔絵で花を浮彫にした二枚の額.乾也作.この二枚は乾也の最後の作品と思われる,19世紀/(Lacquer. Two panels, with flowers in relief, in pottery and lacquer of gold and colours, on wood, by Kenya. These pieces are supposed to be Kenya's last work, 19c.)

caption 蒔絵.木に陶器と金と彩色の蒔絵で花を浮彫にした二枚の額.乾也作.この二枚は乾也の最後の作品と思われる,19世紀/(Lacquer. Two panels, with flowers in relief, in pottery and lacquer of gold and colours, on wood, by Kenya. These pieces are supposed to be Kenya's last work, 19c.)
book title 日本の収集品 第2巻
author トムキンソン/(Tomkinson, Michael)
year 1898
Library Number NK/550/To
author 001530724
GID GO026027
PhotoCD no. 372