蝦夷北東海岸の毛深いアイヌ,冬用に海藻を束ねている/(Hairy Ainu man from the North East coast of Yezo, packing seaweed for winter use.)

蝦夷北東海岸の毛深いアイヌ,冬用に海藻を束ねている/(Hairy Ainu man from the North East coast of Yezo, packing seaweed for winter use.)

caption 蝦夷北東海岸の毛深いアイヌ,冬用に海藻を束ねている/(Hairy Ainu man from the North East coast of Yezo, packing seaweed for winter use.)
book title アイヌ
author マクリッチ/(MacRitchie, David, 1851-1925)
year 1892
Library Number DS/832/Ma
author 002295145
GID GP008010
PhotoCD no. 382