松の木を切り倒す場での梶川与惣兵衛.大石とその仲間は泉岳寺への途上両国橋で思いがけず将軍の家臣と出会う/(Kajikawa Yosobei in the act of cutting down the pine tree. Oishi and his companions on their way to Sengakuji unexpectedly meet the Shogun's officers at Riogoku-bridge.)

松の木を切り倒す場での梶川与惣兵衛.大石とその仲間は泉岳寺への途上両国橋で思いがけず将軍の家臣と出会う/(Kajikawa Yosobei in the act of cutting down the pine tree. Oishi and his companions on their way to Sengakuji unexpectedly meet the Shogun's officers at Riogoku-bridge.)

caption 松の木を切り倒す場での梶川与惣兵衛.大石とその仲間は泉岳寺への途上両国橋で思いがけず将軍の家臣と出会う/(Kajikawa Yosobei in the act of cutting down the pine tree. Oishi and his companions on their way to Sengakuji unexpectedly meet the Shogun's officers at Riogoku-bridge.)
book title 47人の浪人(四十七士)の物語
author レデスデール(ミットフォード/ミトフォード/リーズデイル/リーズデール)/(Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, Baron, 1837-1916)
year 1892
Library Number GR/340/Re
author 002405389
GID GP013011
PhotoCD no. 383