大騒動のただ中に一式の紫の具足を背負い大槍を手にしたとても貧しい身なりの男が現れた(君恩を忘れずして忠臣城に入)/(In the midst of the bustle there appeared a very poorly-clad man, carrying on his back a set of purple armor, and bearing in his hand a formidable spear.)

大騒動のただ中に一式の紫の具足を背負い大槍を手にしたとても貧しい身なりの男が現れた(君恩を忘れずして忠臣城に入)/(In the midst of the bustle there appeared a very poorly-clad man, carrying on his back a set of purple armor, and bearing in his hand a formidable spear.)

caption 大騒動のただ中に一式の紫の具足を背負い大槍を手にしたとても貧しい身なりの男が現れた(君恩を忘れずして忠臣城に入)/(In the midst of the bustle there appeared a very poorly-clad man, carrying on his back a set of purple armor, and bearing in his hand a formidable spear.)
book title 忠義浪人:歴史物語
author タメナガ シュンスイ ( 為永 春水 )/(Tamenaga, Shunsui, 1790-1843)
year 1880
Library Number PL/798/Ta
author 002709905
GID GP046011
PhotoCD no. 399