雪が静かに降っていた,彼は剃った頭を紙の傘で守った/(The snow was falling lightly, and he protected his shaven head with a paper umbrella.)

雪が静かに降っていた,彼は剃った頭を紙の傘で守った/(The snow was falling lightly, and he protected his shaven head with a paper umbrella.)

caption 雪が静かに降っていた,彼は剃った頭を紙の傘で守った/(The snow was falling lightly, and he protected his shaven head with a paper umbrella.)
book title 忠義浪人:歴史物語
author タメナガ シュンスイ ( 為永 春水 )/(Tamenaga, Shunsui, 1790-1843)
year 1880
Library Number PL/798/Ta
author 002709905
GID GP046017
PhotoCD no. 399