”旦那様,酒を温めましょうか.””それはありがたいが,”と彼は答えた,”自分でできる”(中垣玄蔵兄芝多の家を訪ふ)/("Honorable Sir, shall I warm the sake for you?" "A thousand thanks," he replied, "I can do that for myself!")

”旦那様,酒を温めましょうか.””それはありがたいが,”と彼は答えた,”自分でできる”(中垣玄蔵兄芝多の家を訪ふ)/("Honorable Sir, shall I warm the sake for you?" "A thousand thanks," he replied, "I can do that for myself!")

caption ”旦那様,酒を温めましょうか.””それはありがたいが,”と彼は答えた,”自分でできる”(中垣玄蔵兄芝多の家を訪ふ)/("Honorable Sir, shall I warm the sake for you?" "A thousand thanks," he replied, "I can do that for myself!")
book title 忠義浪人:歴史物語
author タメナガ シュンスイ ( 為永 春水 )/(Tamenaga, Shunsui, 1790-1843)
year 1880
Library Number PL/798/Ta
author 002709905
GID GP046032
PhotoCD no. 399