横川宗利.浅野のもっともよい家臣の一人.彼がカントの(関東にいた?)間襲撃の準備をするのに多忙であり夜襲の時に彼が示した勇敢さと賢明さは非常に目立つものであった/(Yokogawa Munetoshi. He was one of the best subjects of Asano. While he had been Kanto he occupied himself in making preparations for attack and the bravery and wisdom which he showed at the night of the attack was very marked.)

横川宗利.浅野のもっともよい家臣の一人.彼がカントの(関東にいた?)間襲撃の準備をするのに多忙であり夜襲の時に彼が示した勇敢さと賢明さは非常に目立つものであった/(Yokogawa Munetoshi. He was one of the best subjects of Asano. While he had been Kanto he occupied himself in making preparations for attack and the bravery and wisdom which he showed at the night of the attack was very marked.)

caption 横川宗利.浅野のもっともよい家臣の一人.彼がカントの(関東にいた?)間襲撃の準備をするのに多忙であり夜襲の時に彼が示した勇敢さと賢明さは非常に目立つものであった/(Yokogawa Munetoshi. He was one of the best subjects of Asano. While he had been Kanto he occupied himself in making preparations for attack and the bravery and wisdom which he showed at the night of the attack was very marked.)
book title 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
author ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
year [1893]
Library Number DS/873/Mi
author 002193076
GID GT021029
PhotoCD no. 422