大石信清.彼は忠臣同盟のもっとも才能ある人たちの一人で敵吉良の首を切って主君の墓前に捧げたとき27歳であった/(Oishi Nobukiyo. He was one of the ablest men of the loyal league and was 27 years of age when the head of the enemy Kira was cut off and dedicated before the tomb of his master.)

大石信清.彼は忠臣同盟のもっとも才能ある人たちの一人で敵吉良の首を切って主君の墓前に捧げたとき27歳であった/(Oishi Nobukiyo. He was one of the ablest men of the loyal league and was 27 years of age when the head of the enemy Kira was cut off and dedicated before the tomb of his master.)

caption 大石信清.彼は忠臣同盟のもっとも才能ある人たちの一人で敵吉良の首を切って主君の墓前に捧げたとき27歳であった/(Oishi Nobukiyo. He was one of the ablest men of the loyal league and was 27 years of age when the head of the enemy Kira was cut off and dedicated before the tomb of his master.)
book title 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
author ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
year [1893]
Library Number DS/873/Mi
author 002193076
GID GT021039
PhotoCD no. 422