



U.S.グラント将軍世界一周旅行:彼の演説,歓迎会,旅行の記述を含む:彼の略伝とともに (レムラプ) / General U.S. Grant's tour around the world : embracing his speeches, receptions, and description of his travels : with a biographical sketch of his life (Remlap, L. T.)

1870年世界一周:インド,中国,日本,カリフォルニア,南アメリカを通る短い旅行の記述 (カーライル) / Round the world in 1870 : an account of a brief tour made through India, China, Japan, California, and South America (Carlisle, Arthur Drummond)


1883年ボストン外国博覧会公式目録 (ノートン) / Official catalogue, foreign exhibition, Boston, 1883 (Norton, C. B. (Charles B.))

7カ月の旅行:行きつ戻りつ世界を回って (ブルックス(ブルークス)) / A seven months' run : up, and down, and around the world (Brooks, James, 1810-1873)
