[GM012001]日本の英国少年 (ラッフルズ,M.) / The English boy in Japan, or, The perils and adventures of Mark Raffles among princes, priests, and people, of that singular empire (Raffles,M.)
[GM018001]民のにぎわい:人間の活動,道徳的な小話(民繁栄) (ワキサカ ギドウ ( 脇坂 義堂 )) / Tami-no nigivai : l'activite humaine, contes moraux (Wakisaka, Gido, d. 1818)
[GM019001]緑綬褒章の賞状.シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会.1890年東京第3回内国勧業博覧会審査報告からの抜粋.日本の七宝 (ナミカワ ソウスケ ( 濤川 惣助 )) / Diploma, appended to the Medal of the Green Ribbon. The World's Columbian Exposition. Extract from Reports of judges of the Third National Exhibition Tokyo, 1890. Japanese cloisonne (Namikawa, Sosuke)