虹型橋,石燈篭,船着き場,農家と弘法大師石,庭の柵と鳥居型の門,鳥居,五重塔,私の富士山,神楽舞に用いられる舞台,湖の柵に建てられた茶店,鐘楼,八角型の小さな見晴らし台/(The rainbow bridge. The ishi-doro, or votive lantern. The pier and pierhouse. The farmhouse and Kobo-daishi stone. The garden paling and Torii-pattern gate. The Torii. The five-story pagoda. My Fujiyama. Stage used for the kagura dance. The teahouse, ...)
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  • 虹型橋,石燈篭,船着き場,農家と弘法大師石,庭の柵と鳥居型の門,鳥居,五重塔,私の富士山,神楽舞に用いられる舞台,湖の柵に建てられた茶店,鐘楼,八角型の小さな見晴らし台/(The rainbow bridge. The ishi-doro, or votive lantern. The pier and pierhouse. The farmhouse and Kobo-daishi stone. The garden paling and Torii-pattern gate. The Torii. The five-story pagoda. My Fujiyama. Stage used for the kagura dance. The teahouse, ...)

虹型橋,石燈篭,船着き場,農家と弘法大師石,庭の柵と鳥居型の門,鳥居,五重塔,私の富士山,神楽舞に用いられる舞台,湖の柵に建てられた茶店,鐘楼,八角型の小さな見晴らし台/(The rainbow bridge. The ishi-doro, or votive lantern. The pier and pierhouse. The farmhouse and Kobo-daishi stone. The garden paling and Torii-pattern gate. The Torii. The five-story pagoda. My Fujiyama. Stage used for the kagura dance. The teahouse, ...)


被写体 虹型橋,石燈篭,船着き場,農家と弘法大師石,庭の柵と鳥居型の門,鳥居,五重塔,私の富士山,神楽舞に用いられる舞台,湖の柵に建てられた茶店,鐘楼,八角型の小さな見晴らし台/(The rainbow bridge. The ishi-doro, or votive lantern. The pier and pierhouse. The farmhouse and Kobo-daishi stone. The garden paling and Torii-pattern gate. The Torii. The five-story pagoda. My Fujiyama. Stage used for the kagura dance. The teahouse, ...)
掲載書名 日本に関する風変わりなこと
編集者名 スレーデン/(Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton, 1856-1947)
年代 1903
請求番号 DS/806/Sl
図書ID 000052738
GID GD041035
PhotoCD no.