テリス(得利寺)の戦いで占められた位置と村の略図.フンチァツン(洪家屯)とウーチァツン(呉家屯)の最も北の地点は最終的に日本軍の側面部隊によって占領された/(Sketch-map of the positions and villages occupied at the battle of Telissu. The most northerly points of Hung-chia-tun and Wu-chia-tun were ultimately occupied by the Japanese outflanking wing.)
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  • テリス(得利寺)の戦いで占められた位置と村の略図.フンチァツン(洪家屯)とウーチァツン(呉家屯)の最も北の地点は最終的に日本軍の側面部隊によって占領された/(Sketch-map of the positions and villages occupied at the battle of Telissu. The most northerly points of Hung-chia-tun and Wu-chia-tun were ultimately occupied by the Japanese outflanking wing.)

テリス(得利寺)の戦いで占められた位置と村の略図.フンチァツン(洪家屯)とウーチァツン(呉家屯)の最も北の地点は最終的に日本軍の側面部隊によって占領された/(Sketch-map of the positions and villages occupied at the battle of Telissu. The most northerly points of Hung-chia-tun and Wu-chia-tun were ultimately occupied by the Japanese outflanking wing.)


被写体 テリス(得利寺)の戦いで占められた位置と村の略図.フンチァツン(洪家屯)とウーチァツン(呉家屯)の最も北の地点は最終的に日本軍の側面部隊によって占領された/(Sketch-map of the positions and villages occupied at the battle of Telissu. The most northerly points of Hung-chia-tun and Wu-chia-tun were ultimately occupied by the Japanese outflanking wing.)
掲載書名 極東における戦争:ロシア・日本の戦闘(日露戦争)の歴史 3,4巻
編集者名 グルー/(Grew, E. Sharpe)
年代 [190-?]
請求番号 DS/517/Gr
図書ID 000123679
GID GH034009
PhotoCD no. 18074