古今の資料とヴェガ号航海中の観察に基づくノルウェーからベーリングの海峡までの旧大陸北岸地図.付ヴェガ号探検隊の航跡.参謀長N.セランダー作成(左から1番目)/(Map of the North Coast of the Old World from Norway to Behring's Straits, with the track of the Vega, constructed from old and recent sources, and from observations made during the Voyage of the Vega, by N. Selander, Captain in the General Staff.)
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  • 古今の資料とヴェガ号航海中の観察に基づくノルウェーからベーリングの海峡までの旧大陸北岸地図.付ヴェガ号探検隊の航跡.参謀長N.セランダー作成(左から1番目)/(Map of the North Coast of the Old World from Norway to Behring's Straits, with the track of the Vega, constructed from old and recent sources, and from observations made during the Voyage of the Vega, by N. Selander, Captain in the General Staff.)

古今の資料とヴェガ号航海中の観察に基づくノルウェーからベーリングの海峡までの旧大陸北岸地図.付ヴェガ号探検隊の航跡.参謀長N.セランダー作成(左から1番目)/(Map of the North Coast of the Old World from Norway to Behring's Straits, with the track of the Vega, constructed from old and recent sources, and from observations made during the Voyage of the Vega, by N. Selander, Captain in the General Staff.)


被写体 古今の資料とヴェガ号航海中の観察に基づくノルウェーからベーリングの海峡までの旧大陸北岸地図.付ヴェガ号探検隊の航跡.参謀長N.セランダー作成(左から1番目)/(Map of the North Coast of the Old World from Norway to Behring's Straits, with the track of the Vega, constructed from old and recent sources, and from observations made during the Voyage of the Vega, by N. Selander, Captain in the General Staff.)
掲載書名 アジアとヨーロッパを回るヴェガ号の航海:旧世界北海岸沿いの以前の旅行の歴史的再検討とともに(ヴェガ号航海誌:1878−1880) 第2巻
編集者名 ノルデンシェルド(ノルデンショルド/ノーデンショルド)/(Nordenskiold, A. E. (Adolf Erik), 1832-1901)
年代 1881
請求番号 G/490/No
図書ID 000066134
GID GJ002136
PhotoCD no. 91008