詩人(歌人)人麻呂(柿本人麻呂)<7世紀>の肖像,信実(藤原信実)による絵より,夢で見た本人の現れに従って描かれた.大和派,13世紀.和漢名画苑より/(Fig. 9. Portrait of the poet Hitomaro (7th century), from a picture by Nobuzane, painted after a manifestation of the original seen in a dream. Yamato school, 13th century. From the Wa-kan mei gwa-yen.)
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  • 詩人(歌人)人麻呂(柿本人麻呂)<7世紀>の肖像,信実(藤原信実)による絵より,夢で見た本人の現れに従って描かれた.大和派,13世紀.和漢名画苑より/(Fig. 9. Portrait of the poet Hitomaro (7th century), from a picture by Nobuzane, painted after a manifestation of the original seen in a dream. Yamato school, 13th century. From the Wa-kan mei gwa-yen.)

詩人(歌人)人麻呂(柿本人麻呂)<7世紀>の肖像,信実(藤原信実)による絵より,夢で見た本人の現れに従って描かれた.大和派,13世紀.和漢名画苑より/(Fig. 9. Portrait of the poet Hitomaro (7th century), from a picture by Nobuzane, painted after a manifestation of the original seen in a dream. Yamato school, 13th century. From the Wa-kan mei gwa-yen.)


被写体 詩人(歌人)人麻呂(柿本人麻呂)<7世紀>の肖像,信実(藤原信実)による絵より,夢で見た本人の現れに従って描かれた.大和派,13世紀.和漢名画苑より/(Fig. 9. Portrait of the poet Hitomaro (7th century), from a picture by Nobuzane, painted after a manifestation of the original seen in a dream. Yamato school, 13th century. From the Wa-kan mei gwa-yen.)
掲載書名 日本の絵画芸術:関連のある芸術の短い歴史的概略と中国や朝鮮の絵画芸術へのいくらかの言及とともに
編集者名 アンダーソン/(Anderson, William, 1842-1900)
年代 1886
請求番号 YP/14/An
図書ID 000116384
GID GJ019030
PhotoCD no. 96029