家の墓への年一回の墓参をしている大君の役人/(An officer of the Taikoun making his annual visit to the tomb of his family.)
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  • 家の墓への年一回の墓参をしている大君の役人/(An officer of the Taikoun making his annual visit to the tomb of his family.)

家の墓への年一回の墓参をしている大君の役人/(An officer of the Taikoun making his annual visit to the tomb of his family.)



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被写体 家の墓への年一回の墓参をしている大君の役人/(An officer of the Taikoun making his annual visit to the tomb of his family.)
掲載書名 日本と日本人:図絵
編集者名 アンベール/(Humbert, Aime, 1819-1910)
年代 1874
請求番号 DS/821/Hu
図書ID 000051763
GID GL014113
PhotoCD no. 135012