S.濤川(濤川惣助),無線七宝の考案者;帝室技芸員;緑綬褒章受賞(肖像写真)/(S. Namikawa, inventor of cloisonne without wires; member of Board of Imperial Artist; decorated with Medal of Green Ribbon.)
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  • S.濤川(濤川惣助),無線七宝の考案者;帝室技芸員;緑綬褒章受賞(肖像写真)/(S. Namikawa, inventor of cloisonne without wires; member of Board of Imperial Artist; decorated with Medal of Green Ribbon.)

S.濤川(濤川惣助),無線七宝の考案者;帝室技芸員;緑綬褒章受賞(肖像写真)/(S. Namikawa, inventor of cloisonne without wires; member of Board of Imperial Artist; decorated with Medal of Green Ribbon.)



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被写体 S.濤川(濤川惣助),無線七宝の考案者;帝室技芸員;緑綬褒章受賞(肖像写真)/(S. Namikawa, inventor of cloisonne without wires; member of Board of Imperial Artist; decorated with Medal of Green Ribbon.)
掲載書名 緑綬褒章の賞状.シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会.1890年東京第3回内国勧業博覧会審査報告からの抜粋.日本の七宝
編集者名 ナミカワ ソウスケ ( 濤川 惣助 )/(Namikawa, Sosuke)
年代 [1896?]
請求番号 N/7353/Na
図書ID 000166462
GID GM019001
PhotoCD no. 174042