透明七宝鉢.コロンブス万国博覧会(シカゴ)に出品.飛ぶ鳥と波の図案が銀鉢に透し彫りされており,波の隙間は青い宝石色のエナメルをかけてある.これは濤川の七宝作品の中で最も優れた出来栄えである/(Transparent enamel bowl. Exhabited to the World's Columbian Exhibition. The design of the flying birds and the waves was carved through in the silver bowel, and the vacancy in the waves was enamelled by the blue jewel-color enamel. This was one of the ...)
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  • 透明七宝鉢.コロンブス万国博覧会(シカゴ)に出品.飛ぶ鳥と波の図案が銀鉢に透し彫りされており,波の隙間は青い宝石色のエナメルをかけてある.これは濤川の七宝作品の中で最も優れた出来栄えである/(Transparent enamel bowl. Exhabited to the World's Columbian Exhibition. The design of the flying birds and the waves was carved through in the silver bowel, and the vacancy in the waves was enamelled by the blue jewel-color enamel. This was one of the ...)

透明七宝鉢.コロンブス万国博覧会(シカゴ)に出品.飛ぶ鳥と波の図案が銀鉢に透し彫りされており,波の隙間は青い宝石色のエナメルをかけてある.これは濤川の七宝作品の中で最も優れた出来栄えである/(Transparent enamel bowl. Exhabited to the World's Columbian Exhibition. The design of the flying birds and the waves was carved through in the silver bowel, and the vacancy in the waves was enamelled by the blue jewel-color enamel. This was one of the ...)



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被写体 透明七宝鉢.コロンブス万国博覧会(シカゴ)に出品.飛ぶ鳥と波の図案が銀鉢に透し彫りされており,波の隙間は青い宝石色のエナメルをかけてある.これは濤川の七宝作品の中で最も優れた出来栄えである/(Transparent enamel bowl. Exhabited to the World's Columbian Exhibition. The design of the flying birds and the waves was carved through in the silver bowel, and the vacancy in the waves was enamelled by the blue jewel-color enamel. This was one of the ...)
掲載書名 緑綬褒章の賞状.シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会.1890年東京第3回内国勧業博覧会審査報告からの抜粋.日本の七宝
編集者名 ナミカワ ソウスケ ( 濤川 惣助 )/(Namikawa, Sosuke)
年代 [1896?]
請求番号 N/7353/Na
図書ID 000166462
GID GM019009
PhotoCD no. 174050