モミの葉.110.老樹の葉.111.実生の1年目の葉.112.実生の2年目の小枝の葉/(Leaf taken from old tree. Leaves of seedling, first year's growth. Leaf of seedling from twigs of second year's growth.)
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  • モミの葉.110.老樹の葉.111.実生の1年目の葉.112.実生の2年目の小枝の葉/(Leaf taken from old tree. Leaves of seedling, first year's growth. Leaf of seedling from twigs of second year's growth.)

モミの葉.110.老樹の葉.111.実生の1年目の葉.112.実生の2年目の小枝の葉/(Leaf taken from old tree. Leaves of seedling, first year's growth. Leaf of seedling from twigs of second year's growth.)


被写体 モミの葉.110.老樹の葉.111.実生の1年目の葉.112.実生の2年目の小枝の葉/(Leaf taken from old tree. Leaves of seedling, first year's growth. Leaf of seedling from twigs of second year's growth.)
掲載書名 日本の松と樅
編集者名 マレー,A./(Murray, Andrew, 1812-1878)
年代 1863
請求番号 QK/495/Mu
図書ID 000878983
GID GM126053
PhotoCD no. 254043