間光風.間光延の三男.常に大工仕事を好みそれにかなり熟達していた.そのことは吉良が新しい屋敷を建てたとき彼の役に立った,というのは彼はそこに雇われた大工の一団に入り,従って建物の平面図を写生する機会を得,それを大石に送った.当時わずか21歳/(Hazama Mitsukaze. Was the third son of Hazama Mitsunobu. He was always fond of carpentry and was fairly well versed in it. It stood him in good stead when the new buildings were erected by Kira, for he entered the gang of carpenters employed there and ...)
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  • 間光風.間光延の三男.常に大工仕事を好みそれにかなり熟達していた.そのことは吉良が新しい屋敷を建てたとき彼の役に立った,というのは彼はそこに雇われた大工の一団に入り,従って建物の平面図を写生する機会を得,それを大石に送った.当時わずか21歳/(Hazama Mitsukaze. Was the third son of Hazama Mitsunobu. He was always fond of carpentry and was fairly well versed in it. It stood him in good stead when the new buildings were erected by Kira, for he entered the gang of carpenters employed there and ...)

間光風.間光延の三男.常に大工仕事を好みそれにかなり熟達していた.そのことは吉良が新しい屋敷を建てたとき彼の役に立った,というのは彼はそこに雇われた大工の一団に入り,従って建物の平面図を写生する機会を得,それを大石に送った.当時わずか21歳/(Hazama Mitsukaze. Was the third son of Hazama Mitsunobu. He was always fond of carpentry and was fairly well versed in it. It stood him in good stead when the new buildings were erected by Kira, for he entered the gang of carpenters employed there and ...)


被写体 間光風.間光延の三男.常に大工仕事を好みそれにかなり熟達していた.そのことは吉良が新しい屋敷を建てたとき彼の役に立った,というのは彼はそこに雇われた大工の一団に入り,従って建物の平面図を写生する機会を得,それを大石に送った.当時わずか21歳/(Hazama Mitsukaze. Was the third son of Hazama Mitsunobu. He was always fond of carpentry and was fairly well versed in it. It stood him in good stead when the new buildings were erected by Kira, for he entered the gang of carpenters employed there and ...)
掲載書名 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
編集者名 ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
年代 [1893]
請求番号 DS/873/Mi
図書ID 002193076
GID GT021045
PhotoCD no. 422