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- テラオカ(寺坂)信行.正直で忠義な浅野の家臣.生き延びて先立った他の忠臣たちの霊をなだめよという大石の命に不承不承従って,忠臣たちの切腹後に生き延びた唯一人である/(Teraoka Nobuyuki. Was an honest and loyal subject of Asano. He was the only one that survived after the loyalists committed self-dispatch, having reluctantly obeyed Oishi to do so and soothe the spirits of the other loyalists who preceded him.)
テラオカ(寺坂)信行.正直で忠義な浅野の家臣.生き延びて先立った他の忠臣たちの霊をなだめよという大石の命に不承不承従って,忠臣たちの切腹後に生き延びた唯一人である/(Teraoka Nobuyuki. Was an honest and loyal subject of Asano. He was the only one that survived after the loyalists committed self-dispatch, having reluctantly obeyed Oishi to do so and soothe the spirits of the other loyalists who preceded him.)
全60枚のうち25-32枚を表示 (全8ページ)
被写体 | : | テラオカ(寺坂)信行.正直で忠義な浅野の家臣.生き延びて先立った他の忠臣たちの霊をなだめよという大石の命に不承不承従って,忠臣たちの切腹後に生き延びた唯一人である/(Teraoka Nobuyuki. Was an honest and loyal subject of Asano. He was the only one that survived after the loyalists committed self-dispatch, having reluctantly obeyed Oishi to do so and soothe the spirits of the other loyalists who preceded him.) |
注記 | : | |
掲載書名 | : | 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵) |
編集者名 | : | ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro) |
年代 | : | [1893] |
請求番号 | : | DS/873/Mi |
図書ID | : | 002193076 |
GID | : | GT021048 |
PhotoCD no. | : | 422 |