原元辰.彼には母がおり母に対して大変優しく従順であった.しかし母は自分の存在が彼の復讐の計画の妨げになることを恐れてついに自害した.このことは夜襲の時に彼を非常に鼓舞した/(Hara Mototoshi. He had a mother to whom he was very gentle and obedient. She, however, fearing that her existence might hinder his plan of the revenge at last committed suicide. This gave him a great impulse on the night of the attack.)
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  • 原元辰.彼には母がおり母に対して大変優しく従順であった.しかし母は自分の存在が彼の復讐の計画の妨げになることを恐れてついに自害した.このことは夜襲の時に彼を非常に鼓舞した/(Hara Mototoshi. He had a mother to whom he was very gentle and obedient. She, however, fearing that her existence might hinder his plan of the revenge at last committed suicide. This gave him a great impulse on the night of the attack.)

原元辰.彼には母がおり母に対して大変優しく従順であった.しかし母は自分の存在が彼の復讐の計画の妨げになることを恐れてついに自害した.このことは夜襲の時に彼を非常に鼓舞した/(Hara Mototoshi. He had a mother to whom he was very gentle and obedient. She, however, fearing that her existence might hinder his plan of the revenge at last committed suicide. This gave him a great impulse on the night of the attack.)



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被写体 原元辰.彼には母がおり母に対して大変優しく従順であった.しかし母は自分の存在が彼の復讐の計画の妨げになることを恐れてついに自害した.このことは夜襲の時に彼を非常に鼓舞した/(Hara Mototoshi. He had a mother to whom he was very gentle and obedient. She, however, fearing that her existence might hinder his plan of the revenge at last committed suicide. This gave him a great impulse on the night of the attack.)
掲載書名 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
編集者名 ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
年代 [1893]
請求番号 DS/873/Mi
図書ID 002193076
GID GT021049
PhotoCD no. 422