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- 富森正因.馬術の熟達者,享年40歳.記念すべき夜彼は無比の勇敢さで戦った/(Tominomori Masakata. Was an adept in horsemanship and at the time of his death he was forty years old. He fought with an incomparable bravery on the memorable night.)
富森正因.馬術の熟達者,享年40歳.記念すべき夜彼は無比の勇敢さで戦った/(Tominomori Masakata. Was an adept in horsemanship and at the time of his death he was forty years old. He fought with an incomparable bravery on the memorable night.)
全60枚のうち57-60枚を表示 (全8ページ)
被写体 | : | 富森正因.馬術の熟達者,享年40歳.記念すべき夜彼は無比の勇敢さで戦った/(Tominomori Masakata. Was an adept in horsemanship and at the time of his death he was forty years old. He fought with an incomparable bravery on the memorable night.) |
注記 | : | |
掲載書名 | : | 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵) |
編集者名 | : | ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro) |
年代 | : | [1893] |
請求番号 | : | DS/873/Mi |
図書ID | : | 002193076 |
GID | : | GT021050 |
PhotoCD no. | : | 422 |