間瀬正辰.間瀬正明の息子.彼は困窮と辛苦の長い経過中忍耐した.重大な夜23歳であった/(Mase Masatoki. He was the son of Mase Masaaki. He persevered through the long course of misery and hardship. He was aged 23 on the eventful night.)
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  • 間瀬正辰.間瀬正明の息子.彼は困窮と辛苦の長い経過中忍耐した.重大な夜23歳であった/(Mase Masatoki. He was the son of Mase Masaaki. He persevered through the long course of misery and hardship. He was aged 23 on the eventful night.)

間瀬正辰.間瀬正明の息子.彼は困窮と辛苦の長い経過中忍耐した.重大な夜23歳であった/(Mase Masatoki. He was the son of Mase Masaaki. He persevered through the long course of misery and hardship. He was aged 23 on the eventful night.)



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被写体 間瀬正辰.間瀬正明の息子.彼は困窮と辛苦の長い経過中忍耐した.重大な夜23歳であった/(Mase Masatoki. He was the son of Mase Masaaki. He persevered through the long course of misery and hardship. He was aged 23 on the eventful night.)
掲載書名 47人の浪人(四十七士)(忠臣蔵)
編集者名 ミヤザキ キチゴロウ ( 宮崎 吉五郎 )/(Miyazaki, Kichigoro)
年代 [1893]
請求番号 DS/873/Mi
図書ID 002193076
GID GT021053
PhotoCD no. 422