兵庫近くの景色,平家の城の遺跡近く/(View near Hiogo, from near the site of the Taira Palace)

兵庫近くの景色,平家の城の遺跡近く/(View near Hiogo, from near the site of the Taira Palace)

被写体 兵庫近くの景色,平家の城の遺跡近く/(View near Hiogo, from near the site of the Taira Palace)
掲載書名 皇国
編集者名 グリフィス/(Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928)
年代 1877
請求番号 DS/835/Gr
図書ID 000064071
GID GB010021
PhotoCD no. 363039