三個の碍子のついた電信柱と電線が採り入れられた織物の模様/(Pattern of fablic into which telegraph posts, with their insulators, and telegraph wires are introduced)

三個の碍子のついた電信柱と電線が採り入れられた織物の模様/(Pattern of fablic into which telegraph posts, with their insulators, and telegraph wires are introduced)

被写体 三個の碍子のついた電信柱と電線が採り入れられた織物の模様/(Pattern of fablic into which telegraph posts, with their insulators, and telegraph wires are introduced)
掲載書名 日本:その建築,美術,工芸
編集者名 ドレッサー/(Dresser, Christopher, 1834-1904)
年代 1882
請求番号 NK/1071/Dr
図書ID 000121327
GID GB015161
PhotoCD no.