山尾庸三子爵,近代教育の移行の初期の苦闘の間の教育大臣/(Viscount Yozo Yamao, minister of education during the early struggles of the modern educational movement)

山尾庸三子爵,近代教育の移行の初期の苦闘の間の教育大臣/(Viscount Yozo Yamao, minister of education during the early struggles of the modern educational movement)

被写体 山尾庸三子爵,近代教育の移行の初期の苦闘の間の教育大臣/(Viscount Yozo Yamao, minister of education during the early struggles of the modern educational movement)
掲載書名 日本−変遷の中で
編集者名 ランサム/(Ransome, Stafford, 1860-1931)
年代 1899
請求番号 DS/882/Ra
図書ID 000188987
GID GC041016
PhotoCD no. 300025