長靴は水に浸して足の形を作り,紐で縛って保つ/(Boots to be soaket in water so as to take shape of foot, and to be kept up with string.)

長靴は水に浸して足の形を作り,紐で縛って保つ/(Boots to be soaket in water so as to take shape of foot, and to be kept up with string.)

被写体 長靴は水に浸して足の形を作り,紐で縛って保つ/(Boots to be soaket in water so as to take shape of foot, and to be kept up with string.)
掲載書名 一人で毛深いアイヌと共に
編集者名 ランドー/(Landor, Arnold Henry Savage, 1865-1924)
年代 1893
請求番号 DS/832/La
図書ID 000051912
GID GD019108
PhotoCD no.