新しい日本:中国に対する戦争の初期の頃<1894>,戦場で任務につく前線の歩兵隊軍曹,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. A sergeant of infantry of the line, in field service order, as in the early part of the war against China (1894). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)

新しい日本:中国に対する戦争の初期の頃<1894>,戦場で任務につく前線の歩兵隊軍曹,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. A sergeant of infantry of the line, in field service order, as in the early part of the war against China (1894). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)

被写体 新しい日本:中国に対する戦争の初期の頃<1894>,戦場で任務につく前線の歩兵隊軍曹,久保田米僊画/(New Japan. A sergeant of infantry of the line, in field service order, as in the early part of the war against China (1894). Drawn by Kubota Beisen.)
掲載書名 新・極東
編集者名 ディオシー/(Diosy, Arthur)
年代 1900
請求番号 DS/515/Di
図書ID 000015982
GID GD028013
PhotoCD no.