中国服を着て,手押し一輪車に乗る著者とその道連れ/(The author and his companion in Chinese dress on a Chinese wheelbarrow.)

中国服を着て,手押し一輪車に乗る著者とその道連れ/(The author and his companion in Chinese dress on a Chinese wheelbarrow.)

被写体 中国服を着て,手押し一輪車に乗る著者とその道連れ/(The author and his companion in Chinese dress on a Chinese wheelbarrow.)
掲載書名 世界一周−放浪の年月
編集者名 ピノック/(Pinnock, James)
年代 1904
請求番号 G/440/Pi
図書ID 000066456
GID GD048004
PhotoCD no.