聖フランシスコ・ザビエル/(St. Francis Xavier. The portrait here given of St. Francis Xavier is from a photograph furnished by the College of St. Francis Xavier of New York and is vouched for as his traditional likeness.)

聖フランシスコ・ザビエル/(St. Francis Xavier. The portrait here given of St. Francis Xavier is from a photograph furnished by the College of St. Francis Xavier of New York and is vouched for as his traditional likeness.)

被写体 聖フランシスコ・ザビエル/(St. Francis Xavier. The portrait here given of St. Francis Xavier is from a photograph furnished by the College of St. Francis Xavier of New York and is vouched for as his traditional likeness.)
掲載書名 日本
編集者名 マレー(マーリ/モルレー/モルレイ)/(Murray, David, 1830-1905)
年代 1906
請求番号 DS/835/Mu
図書ID 000191338
GID GD064012
PhotoCD no.