群集を楽しませる大道芸人(猿回しなど).多くのとてもすばしこい頓知のある芸人たちがいる,彼らの奇術はたいてい曲芸と手品である.彼らは観衆を注目させ笑いどよめき続けさせる/(A street performer amusing the crowd. There are many such shrewd and witty performers, whose tricks are generally juggling and sleight-of-hand. They keep their audiences in roars of laughter with their remarks.)

群集を楽しませる大道芸人(猿回しなど).多くのとてもすばしこい頓知のある芸人たちがいる,彼らの奇術はたいてい曲芸と手品である.彼らは観衆を注目させ笑いどよめき続けさせる/(A street performer amusing the crowd. There are many such shrewd and witty performers, whose tricks are generally juggling and sleight-of-hand. They keep their audiences in roars of laughter with their remarks.)

被写体 群集を楽しませる大道芸人(猿回しなど).多くのとてもすばしこい頓知のある芸人たちがいる,彼らの奇術はたいてい曲芸と手品である.彼らは観衆を注目させ笑いどよめき続けさせる/(A street performer amusing the crowd. There are many such shrewd and witty performers, whose tricks are generally juggling and sleight-of-hand. They keep their audiences in roars of laughter with their remarks.)
掲載書名 日本の物と風景
編集者名 ホランド(ホラント/ホーランド)/(Holland, Clive, 1866-1959)
年代 1908
請求番号 DS/809/Ho
図書ID 000064493
GID GD070030
PhotoCD no.