紫式部.源氏物語の著者.最も有名な日本の古典の物語.10世紀に書かれた.”新撰百人一首”より/(Murasaki Shikibu. Authoress of the Genji Monogatari, the most celebrated of the classical Japanese romances; written in the tenth century. From the "Shinsen Hiyakunin Isshiu.")

紫式部.源氏物語の著者.最も有名な日本の古典の物語.10世紀に書かれた.”新撰百人一首”より/(Murasaki Shikibu. Authoress of the Genji Monogatari, the most celebrated of the classical Japanese romances; written in the tenth century. From the "Shinsen Hiyakunin Isshiu.")

被写体 紫式部.源氏物語の著者.最も有名な日本の古典の物語.10世紀に書かれた.”新撰百人一首”より/(Murasaki Shikibu. Authoress of the Genji Monogatari, the most celebrated of the classical Japanese romances; written in the tenth century. From the "Shinsen Hiyakunin Isshiu.")
掲載書名 日本:会見
編集者名 ボウズ/(Bowes, James Lord, 1834-1899)
年代 1889
請求番号 DS/806/Bo
図書ID 000119354
GID GH042018
PhotoCD no. 24085