横須賀,横浜近郊.以前は貧しい村で今は繁栄する町.国の造船所がここにある/(Yokosuka, near Yokohama. Formerly a poor village and now a thriving town, the government dock-yard being located there.)

横須賀,横浜近郊.以前は貧しい村で今は繁栄する町.国の造船所がここにある/(Yokosuka, near Yokohama. Formerly a poor village and now a thriving town, the government dock-yard being located there.)

被写体 横須賀,横浜近郊.以前は貧しい村で今は繁栄する町.国の造船所がここにある/(Yokosuka, near Yokohama. Formerly a poor village and now a thriving town, the government dock-yard being located there.)
掲載書名 日本:日本人によって記述され挿絵を入れられた 第9巻
編集者名 ブリンクリー/(Brinkley, F. (Frank), 1841-1912)
年代 c1897
請求番号 YP/5/Br
図書ID 000062737
GID GJ017017
PhotoCD no. C009032