糸繰り.繭によって紡いだ糸は最初小さな枠にすっかり巻き取られる.輸出のための荷造りに便利なように,糸は大きな枠に移され,いわゆるかせにされる/(Reeling threads. Threads spun by cocoons are first wound up on small reeles. For the convenience of packing for exportation, they are transferred to larger reels, and then made into the so-called hanks.)

糸繰り.繭によって紡いだ糸は最初小さな枠にすっかり巻き取られる.輸出のための荷造りに便利なように,糸は大きな枠に移され,いわゆるかせにされる/(Reeling threads. Threads spun by cocoons are first wound up on small reeles. For the convenience of packing for exportation, they are transferred to larger reels, and then made into the so-called hanks.)

被写体 糸繰り.繭によって紡いだ糸は最初小さな枠にすっかり巻き取られる.輸出のための荷造りに便利なように,糸は大きな枠に移され,いわゆるかせにされる/(Reeling threads. Threads spun by cocoons are first wound up on small reeles. For the convenience of packing for exportation, they are transferred to larger reels, and then made into the so-called hanks.)
掲載書名 日本生活の図絵
編集者名 タカシマ ステタ ( 高島 捨太 )/(Takashima, Suteta)
年代 1896
請求番号 YP/16/Ta
図書ID 000043117
GID GL001036
PhotoCD no. C024018